SEOpress vs Yoast: Which is Better for WordPress SEO?

WordPress SEO is an ongoing debate among many website owners. Most of the major SEO plugin options are constantly being updated and reconfigured. It can be tough to keep up good SEO practices with all the constant changes. With that accurate mobile phone number list being said, let’s take a look at two WordPress SEO plugins and see which one may be better for optimizing your website.

What is SEO?

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All  like Google, Bing, and Yahoo have primary search results. These search results are where web pages and other content like videos or local listings are shown and ranked. Rankings are based on what the specific search engine feels is most relevant to users.

While there are specific things you can do to help get your pages and website to the first page of search results, algorithms are constantly changing and each search engine has a specific set of rules.

You want to always that will help you

be successful. However, since SEO is always  how to survive the cookie apocalypse? being updated and developed, it is also important that you have a solid WordPress SEO plugin at your disposal.

What is an SEO Plugin?

When you build and create using , you also have the luxury of using an SEO plugin to help you optimize your website the correct way for search engines.

There is no shortage of really good SEO plugins available for use. However, a few of the same ones always pop up in b2c fax conversations. You have the big boy on the block, , and then most of the other ones fall behind it.

This is, of course, depending on whom you talk to. While Yoast SEO is the most popular WordPress SEO plugin, there is always an ongoing debate about whether or not it is the best.

Recently, there has been a lot of chatter about being somewhat of a newcomer to the WordPress SEO plugin arena. This specific newcomer is called. They claim to be a very simple, powerful, SEO plugin for WordPress.

They have started to get a lot of attention and the plugin now has 70,000 downloads and an overall 4.9/5 ranking on their

Let’s take a look at SEOPress vs Yoast SEO and see how they stack up against one another. We will detail both and then talk about some pros and cons.

SEOPress Plugin

The is a powerful SEO tool that can be used to boost your website traffic, build custom HTML and XML Sitemaps, create optimized breadcrumbs, add schemas / Google Structured data types, and manage 301 redirects. However, that is just the beginning, as this plugin is absolutely packed full of options and functions.

  • Titles & Metas: The ability to Manage your titles, meta description, meta robots (noindex, nofollow, noodp, noimageindex, noarchive, nosnippet) for every post, page, custom post type, and archive page. The plugin leaves no stone unturned in this aspect.
  • Give a Sitemap to Google: You can vastly improve your search engine rankings by providing of your posts, pages, custom post types, and terms taxonomy. This also works well for images, videos, and news content.
  • Improve Social Networking: Improve social networks sharing with Open Graph tags (Facebook and Pinterest). Twitter Card. Google Knowledge Graph and more. SEOPress allows you the ability to both get your site up in the rankings as well as get you better indexed and noticed on Social Media.

The SEOPress plugin also easily and beautifully integrates with all of the popular WordPress plugins and third-party apps including:

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