Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa

Want to continue your studies but still confused about which faculty to enter? For those of you who want to study in a faculty that has broad career prospects, the Faculty of Economics and Business is the right choice. All companies definitely need graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business to fill various strategic positions.

One of the campuses that has the best Faculty of Economics and Business in Indonesia, namely Warmadewa University. To be able to enter this campus, of course, first understand the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University and its costs.

Therefore, you can read the explanation about the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University and its fees below!

About Warmadewa University

Before discussing the Faculty of Economics and Business of Warmadewa University and its fees, here is a brief profile of this campus. Warmadewa University was officially established on July 17, 1984. This university is one of the Private Universities in Denpasar, Bali and is located in the Kopertis Region VIII environment under the auspices of the Bali Korpri Foundation.

The vision of this university is to become a quality university with an ecotourism perspective and global competitiveness in 2034. To realize this vision, Warmadewa University has a mission, namely to implement the Tridharma of Higher Education with a quality and ecotourism perspective, to establish institutional cooperation, and to implement Good University Governance.

Getting to know the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University

After getting to know the campus, in this section will be explained about the Faculty of Economics and Business of Warmadewa University and its costs will be discussed next. The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) is one of the faculties at Warmadewa University that has been established since the beginning of this university.

This faculty has a vision to become the Faculty of Economics and Business as a higher education institution that produces quality graduates, with ecotourism insight and global competitiveness in 2034.

As a higher education institution in Indonesia, FEB Universitas Warmadewa carries out academic services that include education and teaching, research, and community service. These three academic services are the core business of FEB Universitas Warmadewa which are constantly being improved to realize the vision of FEB Universitas Warmadewa

FEB Warmadewa University has 3 (three) study programs (prodi) at the S1 level, and one at the S2 level. Here is the explanation!

1. S1 Economics and Development Studies

The S1 Economics and Development Study Program of FEB Warmadewa University has a vision of producing graduates as practitioners in the field of quality financial institutions, with an ecotourism perspective, and global competitiveness in 2034. Currently, this study program has received B accreditation.

To realize this vision, the S1 Economics and Development study program, FEB, Warmadewa University, has set the following mission:

  • Improving the quality of research in the development of economic science and the professionalism of lecturers
  • through cooperation with the government and private sector with an ecotourism perspective
  • Improving the quality of competitive students with innovation in the education process,
  • and involve in research and community service
  • Implementing research results by organizing community service with an ecotourism perspective
  • Improving technology-based professional governance

2. S1 Management

The S1 Management study program has also  database shop been accredited B and has a vision of becoming a study program that produces graduates in the field of management and business science and has an entrepreneurial spirit that is quality, has an ecotourism perspective and is globally competitive in 2034.

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In this study program, you will gain knowledge in planning, organizing, leading, communicating and negotiating and can control business and non-business organizations in the fields of marketing, human resources, operations, and finance. In addition, you will also be equipped with various knowledge and skills to be able to work in the field of education according to expertise, conduct research and community service by following the development of science and technology.

3. S1 Accounting

For those of you who aspire to become a professional accountant, entering this study program is the right choice. In this study program, you will be equipped with theoretical concepts and financial accounting standards in depth to solv are you familiar with affiliate marketing? e accounting and financial problems systematically in the context of various entities. Not only accounting knowledge, you will also gain knowledge about financial management theory & asset investment, accounting information development, taxation, and others.

4. S2 Masters

Want to continue your education to the undergraduate level? FEB Universitas Warmadewa also offers a Masters program, especially in the Management study program.

For complete information about the FEB study program at Warmadewa Universit

Career Prospects for Graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University

Have you become more familiar with this campus? In this section, the job prospects of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University will be discussed and the costs are in the next section. FEB graduates of Warmadewa University can be said to be graduates who have very broad career prospects. This is because everyday life comes apart from economic and business activities.

Here are some career prospects that you can choos b2c fax e when you graduate from FEB Warmadewa University.

1. Public Accountant

The first prospect for FEB graduates of Warmadewa University, especially the accounting study program, is to become an accountant in a company. As an accountant, you will be involved in managing transaction records, preparing financial documents, and managing tax returns.

All companies, both large and small, definitely need accountants to prepare financial reports. Therefore, this profession can be a promising economics job prospect for you.

2. Business Management Analyst

One of the main goals of a business is to make the business grow. This is where the role of a business management analyst is needed. A business management analyst is tasked with analyzing procedures, operational system designs, and other systems in a company/organization so that they can operate more efficiently and effectively, so that a business can grow.

3. Economic Consultant

As an economic consultant, you will use your research and analytical skills to analyze economic conditions. You will also need to follow industry trends that will affect your clients’ production, business expansion, and investments.

In order to provide accurate reports, an economic consultant must have broad insight, both in the legal sector, government regulations, and current situations that may affect the client’s investments or business entities.

4. Taxation

The background of an economics graduate is very related to this profession. Almost all business and business industries will be related to taxation. To have a career as a tax staff, you must always be ready to learn new things. This is because the bureaucracy is always adjusting, so you also have to learn a lot about taxation.

5. Educational Staff

For those of you who enjoy teaching and sharing knowledge, you also have the opportunity to become an educator if you enter the FEB Universitas Warmadewa. You can become an educator in a formal or non-formal educational institution. Usually the topics or subjects taught are economics, accounting, finance, human resource management, and marketing.

Tuition Fees at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University

After knowing the complete explanation above, here are the details of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University and its fees:

and Business, Warmadewa University with Danacita

That’s the explanation of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University and its fees. Are you more interested in entering the Faculty of Economics and Business, Warmadewa University and the fees feel burdensome? Don’t worry! There’s good news for you! You can make installment payments for your education fees with Danacita.

You only need to submit some supporting documents such as KTP or identity card, a photo of yourself, and a pay slip or account statement for the last 1 month for those who already have a steady income. However, if you are not working yet, the application documents can use guardian data, such as parents and siblings. In addition, Danacita is also safe, because it is licensed and supervised by OJK.

For your information, Danacita is a financial technology company that has a mission to provide access to education to anyone who wants to continue their education at a university or other educational institution.

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