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When we already have a base that has been worked

Next, there are two options for what to do – either enter the link to the advertising account you want to share with, or copy the link to the retargeting audience itself and use it to upload to another advertising account.

Find a lookalike audience

Another important function in working with retargeting is the ability to find a “similar” audience. out, and it completely suits us, then we can form a new audience similar to the worked out one.

Similar Audiences work well when you show the system people to target.

To do this, click on the desired retargeting audience and select “Find a similar audience” from the drop-down list.

The advertising account will create it according to its algorithms. It will be created as a new audience, to which you can then pour the same advertising.

This is one of the options for what experienced targetologists call “scaling.”

How to advertise in communities

Despite the fact that targeting is considered one of the most profitable methods of promoting your products and services, there is another type of advertising that sometimes costs much less than just ads. This is advertising in communities.

In previous chapters we talked  russia telegram data about it, but briefly. We will talk about it in the last practical chapter: how to give it profitably, how to choose a community and why it is sometimes better than targeted.

What is Community Advertising?

Advertising in communities is the placement of paid posts with advertising of your product or  cameroon business directory service. The community audience sees the news (and your advertising) in their news feed and, if the post is cool, they will buy from you. If it is interesting, they will share it on their page.

The advantages of placing ads in communities are lower costs and greater user reach. For example, when setting up targeted advertising, you need pet owners. There are a lot of them on VKontakte, but most of them do not indicate in their interests that they have a pet.

Solution: Place an ad in a community dedicated to pets. Using the market platform, you can  in general, take advantage of opportunities that the place your ads in VKontakte communities that match your criteria.

Getting to know the VKontakte market platform

To see the market platform, go to the “Market platform” menu

Create a new entry in the market platform

The first step you need to take is to create a record.

How to Create a Community Ad Post

An advertising post for a community is created in the same way as a regular one. When you click on the “Create a post” button, a new post window will appear in front of you. With its help, you can order the placement of a classic post or a repost.

The text of the entry is practically unlimited in volume (the technical limit is 16 thousand characters). However, if you want the entry to be better perceived by readers and not to be collapsed when viewed, I advise you to keep it to 280 characters.

Up to 10 attachments can be added to

Each new entry: photos, videos, audio recordings, etc. using the “Attach” button.

To attach audio or video from your computer to a post, you must first upload it to your page. Added materials can be dragged with the mouse for better message layout.

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