The very first thing you ne. to do is create a retargeting group. Click on the “Create Audience” button and enter its name.
Important note: If you don’t have any ad campaigns. you won’t be able to create a retargeting group.
Who are we showing the ad to?
In the retargeting menu. you can choose two options for sources of potential customer data: installing code on the site or uploading a user base.
Before collecting an audience from a site. you ne. to create a code and place it on the site
Option one: show the ad to those who visit. your site
Installing a code is a classic way to bring customers back. You can install the code on a website or page yourself or ask a programmer to do it.
How does it work? Simple. singapore telegram data The install. code records the data of the person who visits your site and saves it in the id database for ads.
For example. you can put a code on the cart page for people who add. a product there and did not place an order. For a certain period of time. the customer will be shown your ad with an offer to return and complete the order.
Here you can also select the “Auto-delete” option. This means that the client will be shown the ad for several days. and then his id will be automatically delet. from the database.
Important: if a person was cameroon business directory not logg. in to VKontakte. the code will not “catch” him. Therefore. this method collects data from users who are authoriz. in the social network.
The main feature of this method is automatic adding of clients. While the code is install. on the site. new potential clients will be add. to the advertising campaign. For more information on installing the code on the site. watch the video:
This works well for:
- shares
- return of customers with “abandon. cart”
- return of clients who guide to perfecting your brand’s digital presence have not made a decision
Option two: show the ad to a specific base or group of users
The second option for choosing a list of clients to whom the ad will be shown is to download a ready-made database. It is easy to create such a database: you can download phone numbers. e-mails or page numbers of users from your mailing list. client database.
The file to be upload. must be in txt format. each new e-mail. phone number or ID must be on a new line.