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Advertising account VKontakte

So we have already gone through all the stages of preparation and are moving on to the main thing: getting to know the VKontakte advertising account.

What is the VKontakte advertising account?

The VKontakte advertising account is a huge database of tools for promoting your products and services on the social network.

Here you can place ads in communities. promote posts. and. most importantly. place target. advertising . Let’s look at each of the menu items in more detail.

To get to the advertising account. click on the link “Advertising”

When you click on the “ netherlands telegram data Advertisement” link ( https://vk.com/biz  at the very bottom of the page. we see a promotional window in which you are ask. to choose one of the methods of promotion on the VKontakte network.

We ne. the “Advertisement” section. select it by clicking the link in the menu. Click “Launch advertising” and go to your personal account. to the Targeting section.

Create an advertising account on VKontakte


This is what the VKontakte advertising account looks like after creation

On the left side is the advertising account menu. which includes the following items:

  • Personal account. You can work and create advertising both in your personal account and in the accounts of other participants who have given you access. Similarly. access to your personal  sault data account can be open. to other users. if necessary.
  • Campaigns. This section displays a list of advertising campaigns and ads within them. This is the main working interface. here you can perform any actions relat. to creating and managing advertising.
  • Budget.  Here you can  who are you on the internet? the complete view and replenish the balance of your advertising account. For convenience. statistics on spending for the last few days are also display..
  • Statistics. You can download statistics on your ads and campaigns in a convenient format and according to specifi. parameters.
  • Retargeting.  In this section you can manage your retargeting databases. collect and upload new ones. create pixels and search for similar audiences.
  • Video. In this section of the office you can create your own advertising videos and launch them.
  • Settings.  Here you can assign or remove administrators to manage advertising campaigns and ads. or observers to view statistics without the ability to make changes in the advertising account. You can also configure the receipt of notifications here.
  • Help. Answers to frequently ask. questions. terms. and step-by-step guides to setting up ads.

In the “Help” section there is a subsection “Rules”. This subsection contains the user agreement for advertisers and the main rules for submitting ads. advertising in communities.

I recommend reading the rules –

They are written in simple. understandable language. and with their help you can find out what and how you can advertise. what design rules apply. what conditions must be met for advertising different goods and services.

Sergey Zhukovsky

However. before your account starts working. you ne. to create at least one advertisement (in fact. before creating an advertising account. you only have access to the “Campaigns” menu) .

In the central part you are ask. to choose what type of advertisement you will launch.

You will see this menu every time you create a new ad.

There are currently two main types of target. ads:

Advertising posts in the news fe.. or another name – promo posts

An advertising post is an ad that is emb.d. in the news fe. or on the community wall. Users see them along with the usual content they are subscrib. to and friends’ publications. An advertising post can contain pictures. videos. audio recordings. a button. a poll. and other elements.

Visitors to the site see advertising posts in both the computer and mobile versions of the site. as well as in mobile applications for iOS. Android and other operating systems.

You are offer. to choose one of five types of promotional posts:

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