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Balance 2021 in ‘Refreshing Business’: a strange year

Like every year, when the Christmas season approaches, I take stock of my business to analyze what has gone well and what has gone badly , and thus be able to start the following year with good planning. This year 2021 that is ending has been very strange. So strange that all the plans I had in my head, except for exceptions, have not turned out the way I wanted. Some because of me and others due to temporary circumstances that I cannot control. What is clear is that I cannot rest Balance 2021 on my laurels and this coming 2022. Let’s see the details of this coming year. Phases to design a website Index of contents 2021 Objectives Retrospective #1 Web traffic 2021 vs 2020 The dreaded Google algorithm update in June #2 Subscriber List #3 Web services for clients #4 Launch of the ‘Emprende WEB’ course #5 Email marketing .

Web traffic 2021 vs 2020

Web positioning The blog Guest posts and inbound links YouTube executive data channel Local landing pages . Membership income 2022 goals And now. How has 2021 been for you? 2021 Objectives Retrospective Just as 2020 was a year of absolute growth .Thanks to the Covid-19 effect throughout the digital world, 2021. I have to say without biting my tongue that it has been Balance 2021 somewhat. Disappointing for me. The appearance of the bug in 2020 and the fact that we found. Ourselves confined from one day to the next. Made people spend a lot of time consuming digital content and in many cases. Looking for a digital plan B because they felt that they were in danger of losing their usual jobs. That caused an explosion in the traffic of my business – of everyone in general – and, consequently, of my growth at a customer and economic level . It can be said that 2020 went very well for me in this sense.

The dreaded Google algorithm update in June Balance 2021

Did this mean that 2021 was going to be even better? Everything looked good, but I have to say CN Leads that it didn’t. Although I managed to achieve several of my goals, 2021 has been a bit disappointing in many ways. The goals I set for myself to improve in 2021 were these: New infoproduct. Higher productivity. Economic growth. Boost the YouTube channel. Control my finances better. Now let’s see the details. Web traffic 2021 vs 2020 2020, as I have already told you, was a traffic boom for my website. I reached my all-time high in these few years of 22,300 users and +66,700 page views in the month of May , in full confinement. This 2021 started more or less well, taking into account that the confinement effect had already subsided and traffic had normalized since the end of 2020. In the month of March, 16,025 users came to the website , visiting 24,602 pages. Yes, I know that the drop compared to 2020 is considerable, but I insist, the consequence of this drop was that people began to “live a normal life” again after the hard 2020 with Covid-19, which translated into less consumption of digital content.

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