The Facebook pixel is also helpful when target groups based on similarity (Lookalike Audience) are created on Facebook. Such a similar audience or group consists of users who, in Facebook’s opinion, best resemble its own audience or target group. If there is a target group created from people who bought at least one thousand euros from an online store, Facebook can be asked to create another target group where the people have not visited the online store, but they closely resemble people belonging to their own target group. With its algorithms, Facebook is able to create such a
new target group very conveniently.
The facebook pixel is an analytics tool that allows you to get very interesting and unique information about your email list website’s visitors. It can be used to run remarketing campaigns, create target groups for advertising and divide visitors into different audiences or groups depending on how important they are to the business.
Take, for example, an online store .That uses the facebook pixel and conversion tracking. In this case, it is possible to. Create an audience or target group of users who buy the most. This target group can then be targeted with advertising on facebook and, for example, reward those who bought the most with discount coupons. In the same way, it is possible to target advertising to those who have bought premium products in the past and advertise new premium. Products only to them, which they
may very well be interested in.
The facebook pixel is also helpful when target groups. Based on similarity (lookalike audience) are created on facebook. Such a similar audience or group consists of users who, in facebook’s opinion, best resemble its own audience or target group. If there is a target group. Created from people who bought at least one thousand euros from an online store, facebook can be asked to create another target group .Where the people have not visited the online store, but they closely resemble. People belonging to CN Leads their own target group. With its algorithms, facebook is able to create such a new target group very conveniently.