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Know Monthly SEO Service Prices for Startups or Enterprises

In fact, SEO is still a gray term even for thousands of people in the UK. Maybe most of them are students who want to pursue a career in organic marketing, maybe even professional marketers for small and medium businesses who will go deeper into all marketing channels. Then what about the question of how much is the monthly SEO service budget? even for markets such as Indonesia, Singapore, Australia and Malaysia.

At the mid-level, the monthly budget for SEO services in the Southeast Asian market is around $. This market includes startups and companies with a total market volume of around visits per month.

Figure 2 : Google Keyword Ideas on

The keyword “what seo is” for the UK market (March 2020 to February 2021). We take an example from a market that we consider to be better, related to the company’s needs for SEO work and services. Where, this proves that the question “what is seo” is still growing, including in the Southeast Asian and Indonesian markets. With this background, we decided to create an article that will thoroughly review the projections and budgets for the right monthly SEO service prices at the enterprise level.
Whether you are a professional marketer, search engine specialist, product manager, investor or business owner, investing in all digital marketing channels is about the what, why, how, where and who of your potential customers.

In various investment scenarios

related to the growth projections of the market and its needs. This paragraph is a fundamental discussion of the question of how much money should be prepared to enter the search engine optimization activities such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Although in the end, the SEO approach has its levels that will directly impact the size of the monthly SEO service budget, including aggressive plans, internal technology support, the size of market demand, very varied niches, and the level of difficulty in the market niche.

In our opinion, you should prepare a list of questions for your own company executives before contacting an SEO agency marketing. These questions should be critical as a background for the right optimization plan and strategy for your company’s website.

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It should be noted that search

Engine optimization planning like Google does not have a reusable framework. Even we at cmlabs, have to provide a lot of time, budget, and human resources to test one framework on one specific market and only for one company that we will help.

We will provide approximately 9 of the most important questions and must be prepared before contacting an SEO company and agency.

List of contents
List of Questions Before Starting an SEO Project
What is the Monthly SEO Service Budget at All Levels?
What Are SEO Activities At Enterprise Level?
List of Questions Before Starting an SEO Project
Table 1 – Nine fundamental questions when starting an SEO Marketing tender.

No Question Example answer

There is no SEO PIC. However, the company has 2 content writers and 1 copywriter.Does the company Cell Phone Number List Philippines specifically regulate and determine which SEO agencies win the competition for certain keywords? Yes, I hope that online marketing service consultants (specifically SEO) can win 200 keywords.
The company should understand the competition in its market, then mention your company’s direct competitors, and in addition, who are the company’s search-engine competitors? Just mention 3-5 companies or websites each. Brand 1 and Brand 2 as direct competitors. Then Brand 2 and Brand 3 as search competitors. We know that Brand 1 is not yet optimal in search engines. So we want to invest faster for the website and SERP.According to management calculations, what % of attribution is expected to go into canada email lead the company’s revenue from the search engine optimization channel? Specifically for SEO marketing channels = 3% to 5% in the next 4 quarters.

The wrong thing is when the

SEO agency does not have the above questions and does not prepare a monthly SEO service price budget. We have summarized and made it simple and these are 9 fundamental questions.

Why are these questions so important? We (at least at cmlabs) have to go deeper into the company’s goals because this will be related to the strategy that will be prepared. These nine questions are enough to create a strategy map and initial to mid-term plans.

In some scenarios, we only need question number three. Of course, that is for companies with good optimization knowledge and activities. Although this is very rare, some regions and developed countries have reached that level.

 The United Kingdom has at least 64 million

internet users and Indonesia at 142 million. Yes, Indonesia has a larger total number of users. However, we have not placed different visit quality variables in each country. Consumers in underdeveloped markets are easily distracted by price schemes. So the quality of goods and services being sought becomes the next priority.
The next step is to know the quality of the SEO agency and company. We will attach some criteria, at least what we determine for the team and internal company cmlabs. Of course, we are open to assessment when the criteria are not enough to handle optimization activities for your company.

SEO Consulting Company and Agency Criteria

Companies and agencies should focus on search engine optimization topics and plans (for optimal optimization work, we believe agencies should focus only on SEO marketing channels).
Able to create a clear optimization plan, with timelines and priorities (which have been classified according to market niche – to some extent this requires collaboration between the organic marketing team and the data team).
Clearly outline the budget (there should be no budget for PBN, Backlinks, Advertorials, even budgets for other marketing channels such as paid search / SEM, and so on).

Able to make clear projections for

The search engine market, based on reliable data sources, and calculate the potential market size against the goals your company has set in the previous paragraph (question 9, number 3).
However, business and marketer behavior in Indonesia will make the criteria in Table 2 difficult to apply. The existing market will generally work on all digital marketing channels. Therefore, we at cmlabs strive to create transparent education and how we set monthly SEO service prices is also open. You can check the more complete criteria, how to set SEO service prices at cmlabs.

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