We write a title and upload a picture for the ad. As you remember. we only have 33 characters for the title.
Tip: a short description of the ad can be plac. on the picture. But according to the rules. it should not take up more than 50% of the picture.
The picture must be of good quality and comply with the rules for posting ads. If you violate these rules. the ad will not be pass. by the moderator.
I prepare the pictures in advance and specially adjust their size.
Don’t forget about image formats and sizes in pixels and megabytes
Step Four: Theme and Age Labeling
Now you ne. to select a philippines telegram data topic for your ad. In our case. it will be Training Courses.
If your product does not require age restrictions. do not specify them.
A small detail that sometimes should not be overlook. is age marking. Since some products and goods in Russia cannot be advertis. to teenagers. then in the case of advertising such goods (for example. a dating site). age marking must be indicat..
If your product is intend. for everyone. you may not ne. to include age markings.
Step Five: Geography
Here we specify or exclude the region of residence of our potential subscribers – sault data those who will see the ad. And you can imm.iately see the cost per click (and it depends on the region of residence – in Ukraine. for example. it is cheaper. and for advertising in Moscow. the cost per click and impression is higher).
If you have a local type of business. you can select the radius of the ad display on the map.
Important: it is necessary to indicate the exact geography of residence of potential clients. as this narrows the target audience and. as a result. using venn diagram for competitive analysis r.uces your advertising costs and increases the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.
Step Six: Demographics
You can select the age. gender of the audience. marital status and. for example. show ads only to those who have an upcoming birthday. This way you can select only the necessary. solvent audience.
You can select several marital status options
Step Seven: Interests and Communities
This block helps find people who indicate their hobbies and interests on the page. There is also a block that allows you to select people who are members of certain communities and. conversely. exclude people from certain communities.
Communities can be insert. automatically (from the drop-down list of groups you are a member of) or you can copy links to the desir. communities manually.
You can also specify applications that people use to log in to websites.
If you want to find people who often travel to different countries. then check the box “Travelers”. It is consider. that this is a more solvent audience in general.
Selecting interests significantly narrows the audience for displaying ads. so you ne. to use it with caution (for example. in the case when you only ne. fans of pets or certain music groups).
Step Eight: .ucation
Specifying parameters in the “.ucation and Work” block is only necessary in one case – if you want to show an advertisement to an audience with a certain .ucation or position in the company. specialty. For example. you ne. to show an ad only to doctors or only to lawyers. In this case. it is worth filling out this block.
Step Nine: Additional Options
Additional parameters are also an important block that sometimes cannot be skipp.. Let’s look at it in parts:
In 90% of cases. we only ne. retargeting audiences and exclusions here.
Retargeting Audiences and Exclude Audiences
We will consider this block in the next chapter.
You can select the type of device the user uses – a tablet. smartphone or PC. and what operating system it runs on.
Why is this necessary?
- Firstly. if you are advertising applications or programs for specific PCs. then this will be useful.
- Secondly. users of expensive equipment (iPhone. iPad) are consider. a premium category. wealthy people. We will talk about this in more detail in the last chapter.
Operating systems
Same thing. but here we select the user’s operating system type.
Internet browsers
This must be fill. in if users of specific browsers are ne…
Advertisement display time
If you have a sch.ule for your business. there is no point in showing ads when it is clos.. Therefore. you can only choose the time of display when you are working.
If you want to take holidays into account. click the checkbox. Please note that only Russian holidays are taken into account.
How to set the price?
The very last block in the ad setup is the cost of the ad.
First of all. I want to draw your attention to the fact that there are two types of payment rates – for clicks and impressions. Payment for clicks – when only the transition to the ad is paid. and payment for impressions means that the specifi. amount is paid for 1000 impressions of the ad.
For each type of payment. a recommend. price is set. You can (and even should) initially specify a price lower than the recommend. one. gradually increasing it. But it must be chosen correctly. because if the price is much lower than the cost specifi. by other advertisers. the ad will be shown more slowly. or even not shown at all.