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This is the most important thing right?

For example. you have a list of email addresses or mobile phones of clients (and maybe their IDs). It is enough to upload this base to the retargeting account. and VKontakte will show your ads to all select. users.

This method has a special feature:

The base of email addresses or phone numbers must be link. to user pages.

The thing is that VKontakte does not require users to confirm their e-mail address. so the address you upload may not be us.. The same goes for phone numbers – a user can register an account with a different phone number.

The second feature:

The difference in the number of users of the existing base and those who were able to be saudi arabia telegram data  load. into the retargeting account. You can have a base of 1000 addresses. and when you load it. you can see that you were able to add only 800 people.

There is nothing to worry about: VKontakte functionality filters out invalid email addresses. phone numbers. page addresses of users who have been block. or delet.. as well as incorrectly written data.

This way you can create up to 100 retargeting groups in your advertising account.

This works well for:

What to do with the retargeting group next?

It’s simple: go to the advertising account menu and create a campaign – name. banner. filter the audience by geographic and other characteristics (if necessary).


Create a new ad or .it an existing one

The only nuance is that in the  create a fast, logical, secure and optimized website “Retargeting Audiences” menu you select the group you ne..


Select the creat. retargeting audience

How well does it work?

A ready-made customer base is always convenient. But the point is that people do not always see your offers in their mailbox or do not pay attention to SMS. do not read the news fe.. An ad aim. at such an audience helps to bost sales and inform customers about promotions or special offers in a timely manner.

At the same time. the audience from the retargeting databases responds well to such advertisements. because they are already familiar with your brand and product. As a result. you get more profit from the database and save your time and advertising budget. 

How to Share Retargeting Audiences

One of the features of using a retargeting audience is that it can be shar.. Sharing an audience means providing access to it in another advertising account. while you retain the right to make changes to the audience.

To do this. click on the name of the audience you want to share with and select “Share” from the drop-down list.


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