Lumolink has years of experience in both domestic and international.Website projects. To help our future customers as well as others.Whose work includes the purchase of websites, we decided. To compile and publish a short guide. This guide is based on our own good and not so good experiences.
The guide, which contains ten points – actually tips or tricks – gives valuable tips on how to make a good .Website project and how to ensure the success of the project.
At the same time, we give tips for possible problems.
Typically, the path to problems is very similar. The customer. Has said that simple pages are needed, in which case the europe email list developer has. Considered the project to. Be smaller and priced the project accordingly. Then it turns out that there is a “Small” integration with a .Customer .Relationship management or crm system – and suddenly the project grows by 50%. Then, when the. Customer is still. Not satisfied with the design, another alternative version .Has to. Be made, and the. Implementer runs out of resources. The pricing of the project is also on the negative side. In this situation, the developer jus.T wants to get rid of the project, at any cost. The customer,x
complicit in the failure of the project.
Typically, the path to problems is very similar. The customer. Has said that simple pages are needed, in which case the CN Leads developer has. Considered the project to. Be smaller and priced the project accordingly. Then it turns out that there is a “Small” integration with a .Customer .Relationship management or crm system – and suddenly the project grows by 50%. Then, when the. Customer is still. Not satisfied with the design, another alternative version .Has to. Be made, and the. Implementer runs out of resources. The pricing of the project is also on the negative side. In this situation, the developer jus.T wants to get rid of the project, at any cost. The customer, on the other hand, feels that he does not get the value for his money that. He hoped for and that he has been treated wrongly. As you might expect, in the end both parties are