When choosing a repost, you can use all of these options, but you must specify a link to the advertised post. You can only attach one attachment to a repost.
When reposting a post, you must also add a link to this post from the community wall
After creating an advertising post, you need to send it for verification. And there is a field with comments for the moderator. Verification qatar telegram data occurs within 24 hours, so you need to try to follow the rules for posting advertising posts.
Even if the post has not passed moderation, do not be upset. You need to carefully check whether the rules have been violated and send the post again.
I have had cases when a post failed moderation 3 times, despite the fact that all the rules were followed. And only after the 4th submission of an application with a comment-question “What’s wrong?” the post was silently approved. Therefore, remember that moderators are also people, they can make mistakes.
Posting a Recording
For the created and designed entry, you can start selecting communities for placement. By clicking on the “Post entry” button, a window for selecting advertising sites opens.
To make a selection, it is necessary to specify the following criteria: the placement budget, as should be published.
You can also specify: topic, reach, region of residence, average age and gender of subscribers cameroon business directory to refine your request for selecting communities.
Fine-tune the audience you want to advertise to
The market platform will offer you a list of those communities that meet the stated criteria. it is also advisable to have the support of true experts They must have free advertising slots in the time period you specified, and the post placed in them will receive as much coverage as possible for the budget you specified.
If any of the communities do not suit you, you can click on the “Exclude” button. This community will be removed from the selection.
After you have completed the selection,
Must approve the list by clicking on the “Post” button. Your advertising post will be automatically accepted for publication in the communities from the list for a time that falls within the range that you specified.
Important: before sending the application, do not forget to top up the balance of the advertising account, because if it is zero, the application will not be sent.
After sending applications, you need to wait until the community administrator accepts your application. After that, in the “Applications” tab, you will see records about where, when and what advertising post will be placed.
And if you want to save up to 20% on advertising, register with the GetUniq service.