YouTube and Facebook are the two giants of video marketing. Both platforms are popular with advertisers, but which one is the better video marketing platform? . In Facebook advertising, the advertiser pays for either 3 seconds or 10 seconds.The cost of advertising
There are big differences between youtube and facebook in the formation.Of video marketing costs. In youtube advertising, the advertiser. Only pays when the viewer watches the advertising video for at least 30 seconds or. Clicks from the ad to the advertiser’s website. More information about costs
options than Google AdWords, which is behind YouTube
platform.Facebook offers much more precise targeting advertising. Adwords also offers a lot of different targeting possibilities for.Youtube advertising, but when it comes to exact targeting according to. Different interests, facebook wins this race. When youtube advertising is to be done with as precise. Targeting as possible, the advertise. Should use keyword targeting and placements. With the help of placements, advertisements can be precisely. Targeted, for example, to subscribers of a certain youtube channel or even to viewers .Of a single country email list youtube video.
Facebook displays video ads in users’ news feeds. Advertising videos are muted by default on facebook, and the viewer must click on the video. Themselves if they wish to mute the sound. Youtube has three different ad formats, the most. Popular of which is trueview in-stream video ads, which are shown before, during, or after the actual videos. In-stream – in video ads, the viewer. Has the option to skip the ad five seconds after the start of the ad.
More information about costs
advertisements can be precisely targeted, for example, to subscribers of a certain YouTube channel or even to viewers of a single YouTube video.Facebook displays video CN Leads ads in users’ news feeds. Advertising videos are muted by default on Facebook, and the viewer must click on the video themselves if they wish to mute the sound. YouTube has three different ad formats, the most popular of which is TrueView In-Stream video ads, which are shown before, during, or after the actual videos. In-Stream – in video ads, the viewer has the option to skip the ad five seconds after the start of the ad.There are big differences between YouTube and Facebook in the formation of video marketing costs. In YouTube advertising, the advertiser only pays when the viewer watches the advertising video for at least 30 seconds or