So, is WPDoctor an ideal solution to do a complete analysis of your website? The answer is yes. mainly because it allows a complete and quick analysis of your entire WordPress. Focusing on the key aspects. That way it’s easier to optimize it later. right? So. I thought there was no one better than the creator of this fabulous tool to tell us in detail how to use it in this guest post. So, now I chat with David Noguera. A member of the Webempresa team. Let’s go there! How to audit WordPress with WP Doctor. How to Do a WordPress Audit With Wp Doctor September has arrived and with it.
WP Doctor analyze
Surely your goals include better email database organizing your time. Stopping procrastinating and returning to the gym and trying to get rid of the excesses of summer. Or am I wrong. Whatever your list. if you have a website made with WP you should not forget to add an essential task: review the status of your website and tune it up to achieve the best performance in the last months of the year. If you’re wondering where to start, don’t worry. WP Doctor will help you make this task very easy. What is WP Doctor. WP Doctor is a free online tool that allows you to analyze the status of your WordPress website in less than a minute.
Analyze your WordPress
It also checks parameters CN Leads such as server response. Loading speed. Security, and SEO. Free and real-time WordPress audit! This online doctor is available 24 hours a day and in his diagnosis he offers you an assessment of the current state of the points analyzed. But he does not stop only at the results. But proposes “treatments” (packages of additional information and certain recommendations). To so you can apply corrections and improvements to your site. Why do you need to analyze your WordPress. Creating a website in WP is simple