Competitor analysis is an important step that should be done at .The beginning of every seo project before any other steps. A africa email list properly. Done competitor analysis often reveals valuable information about organic search traffic. And effective seo strategies in the industry in question.
Five reasons to do a competitor analysis:
You will be able to find out how .Tough the competition is in terms
of search .Engine optimization in that industry
ou can see what your competitors are doing right and wrong
You will find new keyword. Ideas
You will get new ideas for .Acquiring links
By utilizing the information, you can gain.L an advantage over your competitors
Identifying competitors
Depending on the industry and its scope, you may be able to list the most important competitors from memory. However. This is not always possible and i
nstead of manually googlin
All the most important keyword combinations in the industry, it is better to use tools that make the job easier and CN Leads faster.
Tools for identifying competitors
Free ones
Alexa similar websites – you can enter a url address into the alexa tool and the .Tool lists similar websites and also shows a rough estimate of the popularity. Of the sites in terms of visitor numbers.