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Ad impressions for targeted content and native ads

 Inbound turns this logic on its head. He addresses your problems, your pain first. It engages you in communication and lets you understand your situation before talking about products and solutions. How did this conversation begin? There is content. Thus, the discipline of content marketing was born. Produce text, images, videos. Everything is centered around the customer’s pain points. Focus on educating, nurturing and qualifying potential consumers to purchase. Then, as you probably already know, marketing-focused agencies, startups, and companies quickly jumped into this vein and started mass-producing content. In Brazil, this initiative is led by companies like Rock Content, who have done an excellent job educating the market on the importance of this strategy. Why invest in content marketing.

Need to create content for my customer

Why Invest in Content Marketing Conceptually, this all makes sense. But then we get into the business environment. After all, businessmen, Brazilian or not, want money. Want results. And, in this case, he always asks himself: “So I don’t need to sell my product, but I need to create content for my customer? But I want to sell to him, not educate him!” That’s right , but now is the time to remember this: 90% of people are out and about when they make a purchase. In other words, almost everyone who can buy from you doesn’t care about your product. But they are potential new database  customers. They have a pain point that your product can solve. So how do you attract this group? Make content oriented toward pain rather than solutions.

He will notice that you are interested in helping

Why Invest in Content Marketing Conceptually, this  CN Leads all makes sense. But then we get into the business environment. After all, businessmen, Brazilian or not, want money. Want results. And, in this case, he always asks himself: “So I don’t need to sell my product, but I need to create content for my customer? But I want to sell to him, not educate him!” That’s right , but now is the time to remember this: 90% of people are out and about when they make a purchase. In other words, almost everyone who can buy from you doesn’t care about your product. But they are potential customers. They have a pain point that your product can solve. So how do you attract this group? Make content oriented toward pain rather than solutions. 

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