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Publishers who use this ad network will integrate

And, believe me, we’re seeing a lot of companies here investing in content for years with no results. Simply creating text, images, and videos and placing them on your website won’t do wonders for traffic and conversions. There are other obstacles to overcome. So, to go beyond lip service, let’s explore the 10 most common reasons that keep your content marketing investments from working. 1. Lack of Public Understanding Lack of Public Understanding This may seem cliché, but it happens. It’s that old adage: the businessman, the decision-maker, thinks he knows the consumer better than he does. In this situation, whoever runs the company doesn’t get off the pedestal and ask the people on the front lines – those who deal with customers – what their concerns, pains and complaints are. And, more seriously, they don’t listen to their customers either. Ignore complaints. Or the “bad customer” rate. Don’t do that.

And if it’s hard to reach your customers

Yes, you can think of clickbait here. There is no point in making a promise and not delivering on it. Good content not only attracts potential consumers, but also convinces them to take action. Leave an email. connect. Buy. In a nutshell, what do you expect from a good content marketing strategy? Visit and guide. Content marketing or SEO? Content marketing or SEO? So, let’s start understanding the problem. Of course you know what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is. In short, improve your website to appear in organic searches special data  which are Google’s free searches. how did you do that? Continuously work on the three pillars of an SEO strategy, which we define as: Website optimization (speed, mobile operation.

Your text will rank on Google. on the first pag

 It will generate thousands of visits. This will be? Is it really  CN Leads possible for your content to return you that much by committing to only one of these SEO pillars and ignoring the others? When are your competitors likely to consider all three? So, I believe the conclusion is obvious: content marketing is not SEO. But this is crucial for SEO. So if your company is going to consider investing in content marketing, consider SEO first. Otherwise, it won’t work. Because it doesn’t work? Conceptually, the whole  thing is perfect. Be empathetic, talk about people’s problems and help solve them. It all makes sense. But this alone is of no use. 

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