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Sms Gateway Requirements

So, for example, you can have a blended data of Google Ads and Google Analytics to give you a proper representation of your campaign performance. To create blended data, sign in to your data studio. You could either create a blank report or use an already created one.


Next in your report dashboard click Resources in the top menu and select

Manage blended data,” It opens up a window. Click on “add a blend” A new window will open where you can choose from new/available or existing data SMS Gateway Iraq sources to add to your report. You can add as many data sources as possible (up to 5). Pick the data source you want and add it to your report.


The second data source, metrics, and dimensions you want to add must be specified to Data Studio. They can be added by dragging and dropping them into the menus’ “dimensions” and “metrics” sections or, better still, searching for them in the little search bar.

Google won’t automatically blend everything

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Whatever dimensions or metrics you add, you will see them on the right side of the screen. Once you are gotten all the metrics, you need. Click “save” and exit the Cn Leads window. Then it will take you back to your report dashboard. Add data controls Now, we add a data control that can make it easier for you to choose any custom date to streamline your data and show only the date.

Events, and data that happened during that period. Click on “Add a control.” Select “date range control” and drop it on the dashboard. Next, click on the date range control and the upper right tab. You should see a dropdown list, scroll to advanced and choose that. Now, you can play with the parameters present to choose your custom date or advanced date range.


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