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25 tips to do a job interview VERY WELL

25 tips to do a job interview VERY WELL. If you are looking for a job, this information may interest you. There are 25 tips to be well prepared and do well in a job interview in marketing, advertising or communication. Although they can really be applied to other sectors. Are you ready to show the best of yourself?

How to prepare for a job interview

How to prepare for a job interview. You receive a call on your cell phone, you answer and the person on the other end schedules you for a job interview . You get nervous, you freeze up and you practically don’t know what to say. Be careful, because it is time to put our plan into action. Stay calm, take a deep email contact list breath, grab a pen and paper, and don’t forget to get this information before hanging up. contact person name and phone number. date, time and address of the appointment. company and department that calls you.

Follow the company's blog and social networks

Follow the company’s blog and social networks. 25 tips to do a job interview VERY WELLFrom now on, I recommend that you follow the blogs and social networks of the companies in which you want to work or collaborate. Not only that. Read the content they publish, leave comments on their articles providing value, share their posts on social networks mentioning CN Leads their accounts, react to their publications on Twitter and Facebook (retweet, like, share, comment…)… In short, remain active on their digital platforms and give them feedback.

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